hello world!

👋 Welcome to my website, I'm ngn
- 🇹🇷 I'm a security, privacy and freedom advocate high-schooler from Turkey
- 🖥️ I'm interested in system security and software development
- ❤️ I love and support Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
I don't currently have a job, so I spend most of my time...
- ⌨️ building stupid shit
- 🤦 fixing stupid shit
- 🚩 solving CTF challenges
- 👥 contributing to random projects
- 📑 expanding my wiki
A part from working on stupid shit, I host free (as in freedom, and price) services available for all:
- All of these services are available over a 600 Mbit/s interface
- All use SSL encrypted connection and they are all privacy-respecting
- Accessible from clearnet, TOR and I2P, no region or network blocks
- No CDNs, no cloudflare, no CAPTCHA, no analytics, no bullshit
I mostly work on free software projects, here are some of projects that you might find interesting: